Standardization: W3C Web of Things advancements

During 2023, noteworthy milestones were reached within the W3C Web of Things (WoT) and its related activities, with participation from SmarEdge’s partners.

W3C Web of Things (WoT)

  • The WoT 1.1 normative specifications have been officially published as W3C Web standards. Concurrently, efforts have commenced on the development of the 2.0 specifications.

An overview of the achievements realized by our community through various collaborations:

  • Logo of Thing Description (TD) of the W3C Web of ThingsThe Eclipse Foundation’s Thingweb project underwent restructuring to accommodate more open-source WoT components. Notably, the TD Playground (TD: Thing Description) received a revamped interface.


  • The OPC Foundation established the Web of Things Connectivity Working Group, and the first specification, enabling the onboarding of non-OPC UA assets to OPC UA using WoT TDs, is nearing completion.
  • The Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA) is reviewing the Asset Interfaces Description Submodel Template (TD-based) which facilitates the integration of real-life data into digital twins in an interoperable manner.

Learn more about the W3C Web of Things and join the work!

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