On this page:

Publications – Papers
Publication – Master Thesis
Publication – Posters
Publications – Journals

Publications – Papers

DEBS’24 – 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (25-28 June 2024, Lyon, France)

    • Towards Dynamic Self-Organizing Wearables for Head and Neck Digital Rehabilitation
      Authors: Berk Buzcu, Davide Calvaresi, Banani Anuraj and Jean-Paul Calbimonte

SIGCOMM 2024 (4-8 August 2024, Sydney, Australia)

    • Planter: Rapid Prototyping of In-Network Machine Learning Inference
      Authors: Changgang Zheng (University of Oxford), Mingyuan Zang (Technical University of Denmark), Xinpeng Hong (University of Oxford), Liam Perreault (University of Oxford), Riyad Bensoussane, Shay Vargaftik (VMware), Yaniv Ben-Itzhak (VMware) and Noa Zilberman (University of Oxford)

The IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2024) (22-24 July 2024, Pisa, Italy)

    • INDDoS+: secure DDoS detection mechanism in programmable switches
      Authors: Damu Ding, Ozlem Kesgin and Noa Zilberman

The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024 – CVPR (17-21 June 2024, Seattle, US)

    • Efficiently Assemble Normalization Layers and Regularization for Federated Domain Generalization
      Authors: Le Huy Khiem, Long Tuan Ho, Cuong Do, Danh Le-Phuoc, Kok-Seng Wong

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2024 (ICME) (15-19 July 2024, Niagara Falls, Canada)

    • Cooperative Students: Navigating Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Nighttime Object Detection
      Authors: Jicheng Yuan, Anh Le-Tuan, Manfred Hauwirth, Danh Le-Phuoc

ESWC 2024 (26-30 May 2024, Hersonissos, Greece)

    • VisionKG: Unleashing the Power of Visual Datasets via Knowledge Graph
      Authors: Jicheng Yuan, Anh Le-Tuan, Manh Nguyen-Duc, Trung-Kien Tran, Manfred Hauswirth, Danh Le-Phuoc

CoNEXT 2023 (5-8 December 2023, Paris, France)

    • DINC: toward distributed in-network computing
      Authors: Changgang Zheng, Haoyue Tang, Mingyuan Zang, Xinpeng Hong, Aosong Feng, Leandros Tassiulas and Noa Zilberman

KGSWC-2023 (13-15 November 2023, Zaragoza, Spain)

    • Defeasible Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
      Author: Dave Raggett (ERCIM/W3C)

International Conference on the Internet of Things (7-10 November 2023, Nagoya, Japan)

    • Building a P2P RDF Store for Edge Devices
      Authors: Xuanchi Guo, Anh Le-Tuan, Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)

International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023) (6-10 November 2023, Athens, Greece)

    • Look beyond the Surface: A Demo for Explaining Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Entity Similarity
      Authors: Huu Tan Mai, Youmna Ismaeil, Trung-Kien Tran, Hendrik Bloeckeel, Daria Stepanova

32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (21-25 October 2023, Birmingham, UK)

    • Combining Inductive and Deductive Reasoning for Query Answering over Incomplete Knowledge Graphs
      Authors: M Andresel, TK Tran, C Domokos, P Minervini, D Stepanova

Cloud-Edge Continuum (CEC) Workshop 2023 (10 October 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland)

    • Semantic Programming for Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum
      Authors: Anh Le-Tuan, David Bowden, Danh Le-Phuoc

International Workshop on Explainable and Interpretable Machine Learning (XI-ML) (30 September 2023, Krakow, Poland)

    • Temporal Saliency Detection Towards Explainable Transformer-based Timeseries Forecasting
      Authors: Nghia Duong-Trung, Duc-Manh Nguyen and Danh Le-Phuoc

IEEE MetaCom 2023 (28 June 2023, Kyoto, Japan)

    • Metaverse Remote Rendering Testbed
      Authors: L. Bassbouss, A. Neparidze, K. Kieslich, S. Steglich, S. Arbanowski and P. Pogrzeba

IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) (5-7 June 2023 (5-7 June 2023, Albuquerque, USA)

    • FTG-Net: Hierarchical Flow-to-Traffic Graph Neural Network for DDoS Attack Detection
      Authors: Luca Barsellotti, Lorenzo De Marinis, Filippo Cugini, Francesco Paolucci

ESWC 2023 industrial track (28 May-1 June 2023, Hersonissos, Greece)

    • Addressing the Scalability Bottleneck of Semantic Technologies at Bosch
      Authors: Diego Rincon-Yanez, Mohamed H. Gad-Elrab, Daria Stepanova, Trung-Kien Tran, Cuong Chu Xuan, Baifan Zhou and Evgeny Kharlamov
    • Supplier Optimization at Bosch with Knowledge Graphs and Answer Set Programming
      Authors: Cuong Xuan Chu, Mohamed H. Gad-Elrab, Trung-Kien Tran, Marvin Schiller, Daria Stepanova and Evgeny Kharlamov.
    • Composable Semantic Data Transformation Pipelines with Chimera
      Authors: Marco Grassi, Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Comerio and Irene Celino (Cefriel – Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy)

Publication – Posters

DEBS 2023 (27 June – 1 July 2023, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

    • Agent-based Orchestration on a Swarm of Edge Devices
      Author: Banani Anuraj (HES-SO)

SmartEdge poster shown at the Cloud-Edge-IoT event in Brussels, in May 2023. It displays what the smartedge solution is, as well as describing the 5 use cases Concertation and Consultation Meeting on Computing Continuum: Uniting the European ICT community for a digital future (10-11 May 2023, Brussels, Belgium)

    • SmartEge solution and use cases

Publication – Master Thesis

    • Macroscopic Traffic Analysis and Validation of Vehicular Radar Data
      Author: Mounzer Awad
      Aalto University

Publications – Journals

IEEE Xplore

ACM Computer Communications Review

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems

Computer Networks journal

IEEE Access

Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK), Volume 2 (2024)

    • Grounding Stream Reasoning Research
      Authors: Pieter Bonte, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Daniel de Leng, Daniele Dell’Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Thomas Eiter, Federico Giannini, Fredrik Heintz, Konstantin Schekotihin, Danh Le-Phuoc, Alessandra Mileo, Patrik Schneider, Riccardo Tommasini, Jacopo Urbani, and Giacomo Ziffer.
      Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 2:1-2:47

49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2023

ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management on Data 2023

 IEEE Transactions on Networking 2023

    • IIsy: Hybrid In-Network Classification Using Programmable Switches
      Authors: Zheng, Changgang; Xiong, Zhaoqi; T, Thanh Bui; Kaupmees, Siim; Bensoussane, Riyad; Bernabeu, Antoine; Vargaftik, Shay; Ben-Itzhak, Yaniv; Zilberman, Noa

IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023

    • Towards Continuous Threat Defense: In-Network Traffic Analysis for IoT Gateways
      Authors: Mingyuan Zang (DTU), Changgang Zheng (U. of Oxford), Lars Dittmann (DTU) and Noa Zilberman (U. of Oxford)

Special Issue on Trends in Graph Data and Knowledge 2023


MobiUK 2024 (8th-9th July 2024, Southampton University, UK)

    • Edge-Powered Dynamic and Secure Swarm Networking
      Invited speaker: Noa Zilberman
    • Hardware-Accelerated Intelligent Roadside Unit
      Authors: Hongyi Chen and Noa Zilberman

Connected Systems for an AI-enabled World (14 December 2023, London, UK)

    • Toward In-Network ML on Programmable Network Devices
      Authors: Noa Zilberman and Changgang Zheng (U. of Oxford)

Fast Machine Learning for Science (FastML) (25-28 September 2023, London, UK)

    • In network ML: Inference at the Speed of Data
      Authors: Noa Zilberman (U. of Oxford)

1st AIoTwin Summer School (4-8 August 2023, Šibenik, Croatia)

    • Knowledge Graphs in Building Perception Systems
      Author: Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)
      PDF slides

Summer school on AI for Industry 4.0 (14-28 July 2023, Saint-Etienne, France)

    • Knowledge Graphs in Building Perception Systems
      Author: Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)

9th International Summer School on AI and Big Data (3-7 July 2023,  Dresden, Germany)

    • Knowledge in Perception Systems
      Author: Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)

ETSI IoT Week (4-6 July 2023, Sophia Antipolis, France)

    • Cognitive control of swarms for the IoT computing continuum
      Author: Dave Raggett (ERCIM/W3C)
      PDF slides

ITCON 2023 (2-6 July 2023, Bucharest, Romania)

    • Network Programmability for Smart Factory Mobile Robotics: the SmartEdge Project Approach
      Authors: Piero Castoldi, Andrea Sgambelluri, Layal Ismail, Francesco Paolucci, Filippo Cugini and David Bowden

The Networking Channel (11 May 2023)

    • AI for networking, and networking for AI
      Panelist: Noa Zilberman (Oxford University)

Dagstuhl Seminar 23081 – Agents on the Web (19-24 February 2023, Dagstuhl, Germany)

    • Swarm Intelligence for Agents in Smart Edge Environments
      Author: Jean-Paul Calbimonte (HES-SO)


KGCW2024: Fifth International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (26-27 May 2024, Hersonissos, Greece)

    • Not Everybody Speaks RDF: Knowledge Conversion between Different Data Representations
      Authors: Marco Grassi, Alessio Carenini, Mario Scrocca,  Marco Comerio and Irene Celino (Cefriel)

HIPEAC 2024 – ENHANCE workshop (17-19 Jan. 2024, Munich, Germany)

Stream Reasoning Workshop 2023 (4-6 December, Lyon, France)

    • Co-organizer: Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)

Cloud-Edge Continuum (CEC) Workshop 2023 (10 Oct 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland)

  • Semantic Programming for IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum
    Authors: Anh Le Tuan, Danh Le Phuoc (TU Berlin), David Bowden (Dell Technologies)
    Supported by EU Commission and Dell Technologies

LDAC2023 – 11th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (15-16 June 2023, Matera, Italy)

    • Connect Sensors to Perception via Semantic Streams
      Author: Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin)
      Keynote talk

KGCW’23: 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (28 May 2023, Hersonissos, Greece)

    • Composable Semantic Data Transformation Pipelines with Chimera
      Authors: Marco Grassi, Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Comerio and Irene Celino (Cefriel)

IFIP Networking 2023 – Sec4IoT workshop (12-15 June 2023, Barcelona, Spain)



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