Concertation and Consultation Meeting on Computing Continuum

Leading researchers, policy makers and industry experts are brought together for a two-day "Concertation and Consultation Meeting on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT". The event, held on On 10-11 May 2023 in Brussels, is a significant gathering for the European ICT community, fostering discussion and planning on the future of research and innovation directions. The first day of the event is concertation-oriented, featuring numerous presentations and networking

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Smartedge Plenary meeting

Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin, Germany

The project holds a 2-day (hybrid) plenary meeting in Berlin, at the Fraunhofer FOKUS premises.

FOKUS Media Web Symposium 2023

Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin, Germany

The 10th FOKUS Media Web Symposium (MWS) take place on June 13-14. The MWS is an annual international conference organized by Fraunhofer FOKUS since 2010 hosting 200+ participants from all over the world discussing Internet based media delivery. During two days, MWS covers technical aspects (workshop, tutorials, and exhibition on the first day) as well as trends and business related aspects (conference on the second day).


ETSI IoT Conference 2023

ETSI 650 Route des Lucioles, Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis, France

The ETSI IoT Conference - IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation -  takes place on 4-5-6 July 2023 in ETSI premises, Sophia Antipolis, France. This 2023 edition includes the ETSI IoT Conference and IoT demonstrations. It offers a mix of keynote speeches, presentations, interactive panels, IoT demonstrations, with many networking opportunities to help understand the importance of standard-enabled technologies for IoT service deployments. Our colleague, Dave Raggett (W3C), gives a talk

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2023 AIoTwin Summer School

The Horizon Europe twinning project AIoTwin is organizing its first summer school on the intersection of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Šibenik, Croatia. As SMARTEDGE's technical coordinator, Dr. Danh Le-Phuoc (TU Berlin) is one of the keynote speakers and presents " Knowledge in Building Perception Systems".  

TPAC 2023 – W3C WoT meetings

TPAC, the W3C annual conference, is an important rendez-vous for the Web community. During that week, a number of W3C Working, Interest and Community Groups gather, network, and work to resolve challenging technical or social issues. TPAC2023 is hybrid with the main in-person hub in Seville, Spain. Typically, the Web of Things (WOT) groups and task forces have scheduled their own and joint meetings during the whole week (see the

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Smartedge Technical meeting

Siemens Techology Otto-Hahn-Ring 6,, Munich, Germany

This SMARTEDGE technical meeting is intended to focus on the outstanding architecture questions, which need to be finalized for deliverable D2.2. 

EUCloudEdgeIoT online event

The event "Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts" offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the ongoing efforts of the EUCloudEdgeIoT (EUCEI) initiative. Attendees will have the chance to delve into the preliminary results and impacts generated by UNLOCK-CEI and the various task forces within the EUCEI initiative. Register now to learn about the achievements, hear from top industry leaders, and get inspired

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ART-AI seminar

University of Bath , United Kingdom

Dave Raggett (W3C/ERCIM) joins the ART-AI seminar entitled ‘The role of symbolic knowledge at the dawn of AGI’ (Artificial General Intelligence). ART-AI is a UKRI funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI.

Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference 2023

University of Zaragoza , Spain

The Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSCW) is an international scientific conference series devoted to knowledge graph and semantic web research. Dave Raggett (W3C/ERCIM) presents his accepted paper on "Defeasible reasoning with knowledge graphs".  

DISCOVER-US Virtual Networking Event

The DISCOVER-US project  represents a pivotal collaboration between EU and US research institutions, focusing on advancing distributed computing and swarm intelligence. Filippo Cugini and Danh Le Phuoc participate in the DISCOVER-US EU-US Virtual Networking Event. They present the SmartEdge project in a session dedicated to current European Swarms projects including OpenSwarm, OASEES, INCODE, TaRDIS and AEROS.

SmartEdge (third) plenary meeting

Cefriel Viale Sarca 226, Milano, Italy

The project holds a 2-day (hybrid) plenary meeting in Milano, Italy, at the Cefriel premises.

HiPEAC 2024

The HiPEAC conference stands as the leading European platform for professionals specializing in computer architecture, programming models, compilers, and operating systems across general-purpose, embedded, and cyber-physical systems. This year 2024, the HiPEAC conference is hosted in Munich, Germany. Concurrently, the event features associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, multiple extensive poster sessions, and an industrial exhibition. SmartEdge technical coordinator's Danh Le Phuoc (Technical University of Berlin) co-chairs  the ENHANCE workshop "Enabling

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W3C Breakouts Day 2024

In response to enthusiasm for TPAC breakout sessions, W3C experiments a remote breakout session event: W3C Breakouts Day 2024. Check the draft sessions schedule, released on 2 March. Among the 21 proposed sessions, two of them are related to the Web of Things: How to manage multiple resources of a specification such as JSON schemas, ontologies and more How to structure and manage registries in W3C specifications Anyone with a

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SmartEdge – a DISCOVER-US webinar

Register to the SmartEdge webinar that provides an introduction to the main concepts of the project and how they are being implemented in a series of tools. Learn how SmartEdge is enabling device interaction through a standardized semantic interface, discover how the project is powering swarm networking, and see the technology in action in a smart healthcare use case. Agenda: 17:00: Introduction to the SmartEdge project, by Filippo Cugini (CNIT)

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ESWC 2024

The European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. The 2024 edition takes place in Hersonissos, Crete and its theme is "Fabrics of Knowledge: Knowledge Graphs and Generative AI". The consortium partners are excited to share that they have accepted papers: VisionKG: Unleashing the Power of Visual Datasets via Knowledge Graph by Jicheng Yuan, Anh Le-Tuan, Manh

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EUCloudEdgeIoT webinar

Hosted by TaRDIS and Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoTEnvirobments (formely INCODE), this EUCloudEdgeIoT webinar brings together the other 3 Horizon Europe projects (SmartEdge, OASEES, OpenSwarm) that are addressing the ever-increasing complexities of developing correct and performant heterogeneous swarm systems. The webinar is titled: "Tackling the ever-increasing complexities of developing efficient heterogeneous swarm systems".  


Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE 2024)

Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile

In conjunction with the 2024 ACM SIGMOD Conference in Santiago, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux (U. of Fribourg) is co-organizing an international workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE 2024). The goal of this half-day workshop is to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners to discuss the challenges and solutions, including new approaches, techniques and applications, that would significantly advance the state of the art of Big Data in emergent

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FOKUS Media Web Symposium 2024

Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin, Germany

Fraunhofer FOKUS, together with its event partners and sponsors, is organizing its annual international conference FOKUS Media Web Symposium (MWS), bringing together 200+ participants from 21 countries to discuss Internet-based media delivery. Over the course of two days (11-12 June 2024), the MWS covers technical aspects, including workshops, tutorials, and exhibitions on the first day, as well as trends and business-related aspects during the conference on the second day. For

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EUCEI’s Open Continuum Final Conference

The Claridge Chaussée de Louvain 24B Brussels, Belgium, Belgium

The Open Continuum Final Conference will focus on the value of the (EUCEI) community research for the industry, highlighting the latest advancements and results of the Open Continuum CSA and the more than 50 research and innovation actions that it has supported. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in engaging panel discussions, hear about the transition to the Nexus Forum CSA, and learn about the current status of

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